I am currently enrolled in a creative writing class at the college. On paper it sounds like it would be right up my alley, sit around and creatively write.
Well not exactly. Every class our teacher, who isnt bad but I just dont click with her, creates new exercises for us to create characters. We dissect poems, which is very interesting at all. Its like explaining a joke, after your done it is no longer funny. And these exercises consist of things like "coin flip characters, drawing from a hat plot situations, the person next to you gives you three things that must be included in the story".
So color creatively kids, just within the lines of the class. Bullshit. Absolute Bullshit.
This class has its function. It is great if you dont have a first gear, because it brings about methods to find your characters. I am not bragging but I have always had that first gear, and the second and the third. Just it starts to stick in fourth and the bottom fell out of the fifth. Been meaning to get that fixed.
Whats with attending classes and either sucking it hard and getting my ass kicked by the subject, or it being so relentlessly easy and I feel tethered by it.
Whatever. The movie class has absorbed most of my waking attention and I have since used the CW class as a dumping ground for odds and ends of my Dallas Ross Kicks ASS! Doc folder in my computer. Its about 42 docs strong so I dont see me running out of steam. (mind you most of them are half fleshed ideas, mostly just conversations between nameless characters)
Recently I unloaded my opus "oFF THE PLANe" on the class, and for some reason it got positive remarks. Either its good, they didnt want to hurt my feelings, or they just didnt care. Then again they gave my list of haikus I did in 5 minutes and printed out in class nice remarks too.
Although I feel the mood of the class has shifted against me recently. When ever we do box submissions, thats where we put all of current writing in the box upfront and grab at random and read & critique. During this exercise I have taken on an alter ego. In the civilian world I am Dallas Alexander Ross, but in the world of room 203 Lit critisism I am Edwin G. And as Edwin I write things like "this poem should be about Jesus, not your cat. He is our lord and savior." "Or I also like bowling". Sometimes I get deep and write "I want to live until I die, no more no less". Not exactly criticisms, well I think I made a girl cry but I couldnt be sure.
But man Edwin could be a real prick sometimes. He also has a crush on the girl that sits next to him. She is puerto rican and her name is Laura Badaros, and when he tries to pronounce it comes out sounding like "potatoes". She laughs and Edwin feels manly...
So I decided that it was time to unload the clipped trimmed and now lean and mean "oFF THE PLANe". You may have read it on myspace, but if you didnt then here it is. That is if you care.
i.e.: there is a reason for no number 4, hidden within the rest
It is the word to describe it, because there is no other word
"IT" is the word to describe it, because there is no other word
Starting, Stopping, In and ouT, Back and fortH, Beating, Throbbing, Pulsating, Growing, Expanding, Inhaling, Exhaling, Extending, Covering, Growing...
Its too big to see first hand, too big to comprehend, the elephant in the room if we were a flea- a twitch- a notion.
It plunges, It knows, It seeks, It grows, It sucks, It needs, unsatiated, It bleeds, Its cold, Its warm, It sinks, It squirms, It ripples, It knows, seeking, It grows, expanding, It flows...
1 in2 to, three into- 5
linking, exchanging, expelling, rearranging, pulling, And needinG, pushing, And bleedinG, Fusing and usinG, Holding and knowinG, Feeding and growinG...
Pulling up from it's reigns, breaks free:
collides, divides, It bleedS, It crieS, It growS, then sTuNts...........................................................................
it rises, then falls, it covers, then cracks, it stands, then sinks, buoyant, then broken, sinking and cold, swallowed whole.

A Flood
[never mind how *fast* i am going, where the hell are you- just ignore everything i am doing/ its for your own @@@@- losing interest **, there is too many things just too many things- shaking it off all day, giving into it/ i can no longer be around it/ its too much.
surrounded by the cops, eaten by dogs, tried to escape out the back, but caught in the fog- i am out the back but caught in the fog.
if you run it hides/ if you run you die- dont stand or it lies/ dont believe it, just dont believe it
its all we got/ dont take it away- its all we are/ dont take it away- you have come for us/ dont take me away- dont leave them here/ just take them away
where were you, you were where? i was with them, but they are gone... i was with them but they are gone]
on the other side.
in the tubes in the post on the way.
squeezed thru shipped out and then sold again. hold it down/ or it ** will get loose/ they have her/ dont move. where are **/ ** cant see **/ ** need to go and get out/ its all jumbled/ its a freakin' fruit salad, ** hurting/ ** wont make it/ tapping out/ blinding black/ swirling twirling hurling it in the air and landing it again/ this time ** ... this, ** made it out/ better now/ gliding thru/ the rails are slick/ screaming everywhere screaming needing wanting hoping praying/ ** grab **r arm/ drag ** out/ pull ** along/ lets get out here.;.
dust ** off/ fix ** up/ get ** name/ it was Denise/ ** turn around and ** was sold again.:.

(say as fast as you can)
Turkey-Lurky, Henny-Penny, Loosy-Goosy, Penny-Lurky, Goosy-Loosy, Turkey-Henny, Penny-Loosy, Goosy-Penny, Please dont hurt me, or desert me, or convert me, Penny-Lenny, it-y bity, small and sweaty, let me out, Jerky-Lurky, Loosy-Turkey, Olly-Urky, Chains and Pliers, Milk and Flowers, Have no air for several hours, Ooey-Gooey, Looey-Chewy, Give it to me, I said give to me and hurry-curry, jury-leery, Harry-Larry, Fat and Scary, Painted Black and tastes real sour, can't feel me my face for half an hour hour hour, falling thru the floor at a thousand miles an hour hour hour.
the sweet spot
Spiders display their ingenuity/ while lawn mowers sound in the background
Rubber ducks sit on the roof/ my right glows red while my left does everything
dark clouds cover the already retreating light/ and the trees
the trees glow another unearthly earthy shade of green; i am gone again::::::::
thunder stifles a blunder- like shoes in a dryer--------------------------
but there is still time/ the flies announce the curtain call/ i wish this day
I Wish this Day will never end, I Wish thIs day will NEVer end>>>>>>>
)*&and oh yes Taints aRe FuNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN&*(
there is no subject! there was nothing to say
.;.treading water because it is raining/ not like there was windd when it was sunny
CS past-1 enter seadrip 905 dash twelve... not even that ended up well______
"coming over there is longer than you think", the words crackled like potatoe chips in a bag.
the long awaited holidays pass faster than it took to wait for them, why do *insist on this sort of behavior:::::
hold it down and give it the spike, ever mindful of the rain...>
their fog still looms, heavy in thought of what has just transpired, hold it down, give it the spike, set it on fire///// into the desire an d look up for rain>>>>.
nothing has happened yet, not there is much of a search going on, no way to go about it, just cut it half and peel away, till the core then you cant go on, treading water, otter 3 zero five heyback lefty DI 68 one O four.;.
i hit a wa;;
Lansky-for-townif gone/ ton of fun it is none/ heard alot no more of a face?
thanks a bunch in a crunch/ cant begin to see or whats of you/ its hurls itself?
whole mole tool top/ upppppp/ sssssstoooreeeeeeee it in the back and forget it?
what the fuck. ti si on esnes y????/ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
write it out write it out write out/ this iisi $ ak a?
Tection elp dielll uddioos/ i cant heloit i a dont know waht else to do/no words?
i hav eit a wall a nd now i mus tl be in stenstionally wavague and snon sensical.
they pay closer attention to you when you speak softer, and they are put off when you go faster, but its when you go slower, they can @@@@ harder...
drop in to it quicker, make your decision faster, the more you need sooner, the chances start to become slim...
now its much tougher, regretting it is easier, hurting you will you will be a sinch...
but letting go... well its nearer/ the feeling is clearer/ and things i said were true...
the hurt i hold is dearer, the stains of time lurk in nearer, the last few broken phrases fall thru:
" the way i used it was hurtful, the things i said regrettable, the life i lived so far unbearable, times i spent with***uncomparable... but i never know what ^ mean when these thing s get written, they just get written and that is it././.././
Well not exactly. Every class our teacher, who isnt bad but I just dont click with her, creates new exercises for us to create characters. We dissect poems, which is very interesting at all. Its like explaining a joke, after your done it is no longer funny. And these exercises consist of things like "coin flip characters, drawing from a hat plot situations, the person next to you gives you three things that must be included in the story".
So color creatively kids, just within the lines of the class. Bullshit. Absolute Bullshit.
This class has its function. It is great if you dont have a first gear, because it brings about methods to find your characters. I am not bragging but I have always had that first gear, and the second and the third. Just it starts to stick in fourth and the bottom fell out of the fifth. Been meaning to get that fixed.
Whats with attending classes and either sucking it hard and getting my ass kicked by the subject, or it being so relentlessly easy and I feel tethered by it.
Whatever. The movie class has absorbed most of my waking attention and I have since used the CW class as a dumping ground for odds and ends of my Dallas Ross Kicks ASS! Doc folder in my computer. Its about 42 docs strong so I dont see me running out of steam. (mind you most of them are half fleshed ideas, mostly just conversations between nameless characters)
Recently I unloaded my opus "oFF THE PLANe" on the class, and for some reason it got positive remarks. Either its good, they didnt want to hurt my feelings, or they just didnt care. Then again they gave my list of haikus I did in 5 minutes and printed out in class nice remarks too.
Although I feel the mood of the class has shifted against me recently. When ever we do box submissions, thats where we put all of current writing in the box upfront and grab at random and read & critique. During this exercise I have taken on an alter ego. In the civilian world I am Dallas Alexander Ross, but in the world of room 203 Lit critisism I am Edwin G. And as Edwin I write things like "this poem should be about Jesus, not your cat. He is our lord and savior." "Or I also like bowling". Sometimes I get deep and write "I want to live until I die, no more no less". Not exactly criticisms, well I think I made a girl cry but I couldnt be sure.
But man Edwin could be a real prick sometimes. He also has a crush on the girl that sits next to him. She is puerto rican and her name is Laura Badaros, and when he tries to pronounce it comes out sounding like "potatoes". She laughs and Edwin feels manly...
So I decided that it was time to unload the clipped trimmed and now lean and mean "oFF THE PLANe". You may have read it on myspace, but if you didnt then here it is. That is if you care.
i.e.: there is a reason for no number 4, hidden within the rest
It is the word to describe it, because there is no other word
"IT" is the word to describe it, because there is no other word
Starting, Stopping, In and ouT, Back and fortH, Beating, Throbbing, Pulsating, Growing, Expanding, Inhaling, Exhaling, Extending, Covering, Growing...
Its too big to see first hand, too big to comprehend, the elephant in the room if we were a flea- a twitch- a notion.
It plunges, It knows, It seeks, It grows, It sucks, It needs, unsatiated, It bleeds, Its cold, Its warm, It sinks, It squirms, It ripples, It knows, seeking, It grows, expanding, It flows...
1 in2 to, three into- 5
linking, exchanging, expelling, rearranging, pulling, And needinG, pushing, And bleedinG, Fusing and usinG, Holding and knowinG, Feeding and growinG...
Pulling up from it's reigns, breaks free:
collides, divides, It bleedS, It crieS, It growS, then sTuNts...........................................................................
it rises, then falls, it covers, then cracks, it stands, then sinks, buoyant, then broken, sinking and cold, swallowed whole.

A Flood
[never mind how *fast* i am going, where the hell are you- just ignore everything i am doing/ its for your own @@@@- losing interest **, there is too many things just too many things- shaking it off all day, giving into it/ i can no longer be around it/ its too much.
surrounded by the cops, eaten by dogs, tried to escape out the back, but caught in the fog- i am out the back but caught in the fog.
if you run it hides/ if you run you die- dont stand or it lies/ dont believe it, just dont believe it
its all we got/ dont take it away- its all we are/ dont take it away- you have come for us/ dont take me away- dont leave them here/ just take them away
where were you, you were where? i was with them, but they are gone... i was with them but they are gone]
on the other side.
in the tubes in the post on the way.
squeezed thru shipped out and then sold again. hold it down/ or it ** will get loose/ they have her/ dont move. where are **/ ** cant see **/ ** need to go and get out/ its all jumbled/ its a freakin' fruit salad, ** hurting/ ** wont make it/ tapping out/ blinding black/ swirling twirling hurling it in the air and landing it again/ this time ** ... this, ** made it out/ better now/ gliding thru/ the rails are slick/ screaming everywhere screaming needing wanting hoping praying/ ** grab **r arm/ drag ** out/ pull ** along/ lets get out here.;.
dust ** off/ fix ** up/ get ** name/ it was Denise/ ** turn around and ** was sold again.:.

(say as fast as you can)
Turkey-Lurky, Henny-Penny, Loosy-Goosy, Penny-Lurky, Goosy-Loosy, Turkey-Henny, Penny-Loosy, Goosy-Penny, Please dont hurt me, or desert me, or convert me, Penny-Lenny, it-y bity, small and sweaty, let me out, Jerky-Lurky, Loosy-Turkey, Olly-Urky, Chains and Pliers, Milk and Flowers, Have no air for several hours, Ooey-Gooey, Looey-Chewy, Give it to me, I said give to me and hurry-curry, jury-leery, Harry-Larry, Fat and Scary, Painted Black and tastes real sour, can't feel me my face for half an hour hour hour, falling thru the floor at a thousand miles an hour hour hour.
the sweet spot
Spiders display their ingenuity/ while lawn mowers sound in the background
Rubber ducks sit on the roof/ my right glows red while my left does everything
dark clouds cover the already retreating light/ and the trees
the trees glow another unearthly earthy shade of green; i am gone again::::::::
thunder stifles a blunder- like shoes in a dryer--------------------------
but there is still time/ the flies announce the curtain call/ i wish this day
I Wish this Day will never end, I Wish thIs day will NEVer end>>>>>>>
)*&and oh yes Taints aRe FuNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN&*(
there is no subject! there was nothing to say
.;.treading water because it is raining/ not like there was windd when it was sunny
CS past-1 enter seadrip 905 dash twelve... not even that ended up well______
"coming over there is longer than you think", the words crackled like potatoe chips in a bag.
the long awaited holidays pass faster than it took to wait for them, why do *insist on this sort of behavior:::::
hold it down and give it the spike, ever mindful of the rain...>
their fog still looms, heavy in thought of what has just transpired, hold it down, give it the spike, set it on fire///// into the desire an d look up for rain>>>>.
nothing has happened yet, not there is much of a search going on, no way to go about it, just cut it half and peel away, till the core then you cant go on, treading water, otter 3 zero five heyback lefty DI 68 one O four.;.
i hit a wa;;
Lansky-for-townif gone/ ton of fun it is none/ heard alot no more of a face?
thanks a bunch in a crunch/ cant begin to see or whats of you/ its hurls itself?
whole mole tool top/ upppppp/ sssssstoooreeeeeeee it in the back and forget it?
what the fuck. ti si on esnes y????/ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
write it out write it out write out/ this iisi $ ak a?
Tection elp dielll uddioos/ i cant heloit i a dont know waht else to do/no words?
i hav eit a wall a nd now i mus tl be in stenstionally wavague and snon sensical.
they pay closer attention to you when you speak softer, and they are put off when you go faster, but its when you go slower, they can @@@@ harder...
drop in to it quicker, make your decision faster, the more you need sooner, the chances start to become slim...
now its much tougher, regretting it is easier, hurting you will you will be a sinch...
but letting go... well its nearer/ the feeling is clearer/ and things i said were true...
the hurt i hold is dearer, the stains of time lurk in nearer, the last few broken phrases fall thru:
" the way i used it was hurtful, the things i said regrettable, the life i lived so far unbearable, times i spent with***uncomparable... but i never know what ^ mean when these thing s get written, they just get written and that is it././.././

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