It had been a while since I have seen this movie, and once me and Ryan started quoting it endlessly in the living room did I know that we were destined to revisit before I left that weekend.
And revisit we did. It was fun, as usual. But I have something to confess: I was slightly bored. I have seen this movie, and when I say "seen this movie", I mean it belongs in the 15+ club. And even with my boy chilling and watching it, it still felt like old hat.
I am quite sure I am committing heresy and one of the raindogs is mailing a letter to the Archduke of Canterbury requesting my excommunication, but hear me out. When I wasn't watching the movie, I was laughing harder at our constant quoting and callbacks to the jokes from the movie.
But during the movie, I was only grinning at what I knew was coming. Oh yes there are moments that still kill me, for instance the scene where Nigel is playing a solo on his guitar with a violen. Just rubbing it on the strings.
I have seen that scene so many times, and right then and there Ryan points out something I didnt notice: Nigel frowns a little and starts to tune the violen.
It was little moments that I still pick up on each viewing that keeps me in the mood for watching it. But as I stated above, I get an equal (if not more sometimes) kick out of repeating the jokes with my friends.
This is a really cool and smart movie.
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