Sunday, November 30, 2008


The whole double barrel end of the month movie blowout is going to be put off. I know I know I am violating my mission statement, and I will not offer up any excuses.

So for a later date look out for the cool movies double barrel that you deserve, when I have time to plan it. Yes I plan these things, kind of. You can tell the planned ones from the off the cuffs by the quality of work and of course the lack of proofreading. I will be honest I thought this whole movie month would be a breeze, I just had to talk about movies everyday. Turns out its way harder than it seems. For many I not only had trouble putting into words why they were good, but had to deliver a fleshed out article detailing the ins and outs of it. I failed miserbly on some of these and abandoned so many other movies in fear that I wouldnt do them justice in an article. Many of those actually ended up in the Haiku post.

Anywho, I needed a breath of fresh air and a nice quick post that had nothing to do with cinema, just for right now.

There is only one man who can guess from the subject line what this article is going to be about. But he would be wrong, but its not just about her, but rather a short bit on 365ing in general.

But she is a nice starting off point. Slebel is the user name of a 17 year old girl who lives somewhere in Washington state that fancies herself a photographer. Shane unearthed her pictures to illustrate a point that there was a sudden influx of cute girls with Nikon D40's on the explore feature on Flickr. It was upon viewing her photo stream did we see the full extent of her... I am going to stop.

It would be very unfair of me to rail on a girl that neither knows me or reads my blog. Besides who the fuck am I to have a say on her work? She is 17! And as Charlotte says in Lost in Translation "every girl goes through a photography phase at sometime in their lives". With every passing year boy do I realise that these words truly hold water, as Flickr has pages endless pages of proof. Slebel, her real name is Sarah Lebel, is just

But why bring her up at all? I dont plan to pick on her, nor do I praise her. I bring her up because she is a great example of the do's and dont's of a 365. Thats right, this girl attempted a rather holy rite of passage that this very blog is struggling through. Read my mission statement (the first post) if you dont know what a 365 is. She, being a the youth she is has slacked off, made excuses, regurgitated old work, and just plain ignored her work.

No one expected her to truly commit to it, well at least me and $hane didnt. We cant attest to these other people who only seem to leave glowing comments on her photostream on how pretty and talented she is. Reading these of course depress me. How can anyone grow if you dont have someone lob a bomb at their work from time to time and crack the mold. She takes the same stupid pictures of herself over and over again.

She reminded me of another photographer I knew who went on a 365. His work was nothing more than contrived shit and myspace picture after myspace picture. He now lives up his own ass somewhere far from here, but I will never forget the day I opened my mouth and criticized his work. He gave me a cold stare, and told me I know didley shit about artistic expression.

Artistic expression my ass, ... thats another blog. Anyway, young Slebel continues on her path of taking photos when life isnt throwing her a curveball or when things arent so chaotic. And who I am I to judge, because I do the same shit. 365's are no picnic, hopefully I can live up to my promise.

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